When You Need It Fast
Relevation has the ability to put researchers and marketers in touch with their target audience like never before, delivering faster results, more actionable insight and lower overall research costs.
The Need For Speed

Relevation is nimble and agile. Our creative approaches and senior level attention allow us to turn around even complicated projects through reporting in 10, 8, even 4 days depending on sample size and the nature of advanced analytics required.
Ask 20 Questions – Get Answers In 3 Days

Help! An unanticipated big meeting is scheduled and you’re asked to pull together and present some important information. We get it – we’ve been in your shoes on the client side. That’s why Relevation can provide a flexible template for rapid results that is designed with the same attention to detail and rigor as more complex research projects. We leverage online and smartphone tools to provide fast, even instantaneous feedback. We can even show stimuli (concepts, storyboards, video, etc.) too!